Step 1:
Become eligible through your local Case Management Agency (CMA):
CMA's provide case management services for those receiving disability services.
All individuals receiving disability services should go through the CMA assigned to the county they live in.
CMA's are determined by region and county of residence:
CMA by region
If your region is not listed, start with one that is closest to you.
Be prepared to complete paperwork and intake assessments.
This will involve the individual receiving services directly.
The intake process will include:
Support Intensity Scale (SIS) assessment
Selection of waiver and services
Request for Proposal (RFP) process
Individual Plan (IP) meeting
Service enrollment
You will receive confirmation of enrollment typically within 1 to 3 months of beginning the intake process.
Step 2:
Enroll in a HCBS Waiver:
Learn about HCBS Waivers
Choose a waiver
Many waivers may have a waitlist. Options for immediate enrollment are:
Child immediate enrollment: CES Waiver
Adult immediate enrollment: SLS Waiver
In crisis or emergency situations there are processes to bypass the waitlist including:
Child emergency enrollment: CHRP Waiver
Adult emergency enrollment: DD or Comprehensive Waiver
Step 3:
Choose a Program Approved Service Agency (PASA):
Start the request for proposal (RFP) process
Individuals in services have the right to make an informed choice on their service providers through the RFP process.
Individuals are able to send out a detailed request for the services they are looking for to meet their needs.
PASAs will reply with their ability to meet the needs of the proposal.
Individuals can then interview providers who responded to make an informed choice about who they would like to work with.
Individuals can work with different agencies for different services. There is no requirement to choose only one agency.
Step 4:
Start Services: