Residential Services (Comp)
Provide individuals with 24 hour access to supervision and support. Individuals may choose to live and receive services in the family home, or may elect to live and receive services outside of the family home. The level of supervision and support provided to the individual in each setting is based on the assessed individual need. Options for living outside of the family home include group home, host home, and apartment settings.
A Real Difference offers residential services to eligible individuals with comprehensive funding which include Individual Services and Supports (IRSS), Personal Care, Supported Community Connections, Day Habilitation, Basic and Enhanced Homemaker and Mentorship. These services are provided in the home, in the community or in the Day Program setting. These services can also be provided by a Family Caregiver when applicable.
When taking a little extra time goes a long way.
Supported Living Services (SLS)
Provides individuals with supports while continuing to live in the family home or independently in the community, using paid supports as well as existing natural and generic community supports.
A Real Difference offers Day Habilitation, Supported Community Connections, Personal Care, Mentorship, Basic and Enhanced Homemaker to eligible individuals with SLS funding. These services are provided in the home, in the community or in the Day Program setting. These services can also be provided by a Family Caregiver when applicable.
You Matter...
Children's Extensive Services (CES)
Is targeted to children whose extensive level of behavioral and/or medical needs cannot be funded or supported through Family Support funding. Services and supports provided through CES should increase the family's ability to maintain their child in the family home and prevent out-of-home placement.
A Real Difference offers Respite care to eligible individuals with CES funding. This services is provided in the home or community setting. These services can also be provided by a Family Caregiver when applicable.